Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Research Plan

My plan to find all of the dialects is to talk to people all across the south. It will take time, but everybody talks differently. I think i will find many different southern dialects.

Research Questions

How many southern dialects are there?

What southern dialect do i speak?

How many states make up a dialect?


I want to learn more about the different southern accents. I want to learn this because i want to see how many different accents there are that are in the south. I think it will be interesting to find out how many different accents there are out there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Language Beliefs-Introductory Post

I believe that we should adapt to all dialects, so that the other person or people you are talking to can understand you.

The guest speakers taught me how many dialects there are out in the world. You have to adapt to all these dialects if you plan on talking to people that speak that dialect.